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Welcome Fr. Philip!

July 21, 2022
Greetings! I am Fr. Philip Dinh-Van-Thiep. I am 73 years old this year. From July 1st Bishop Ricken has granted me a “priest senior status” –a fancy way to say “retirement.” At the same time, Bishop has assigned me to

Evening Prayer – Embers from the Fire

July 14, 2022
Evening Prayer – 7/15/2022 There is just a slight chop on the water as I slip into my kayak and push off of shore; it’s really just a little more than a ripple.  Just an hour ago there were one-foot

Rockwelled – Embers from the Fire

July 8, 2022
Rockwelled – 7/8/2022 I know that he isn’t represented in the Louvre, but he does have artwork in the Smithsonian. He is certainly not highbrow, but I proudly claim Norman Rockwell is one of my favorite artists. The biggest reason

His Promise – Full Season (Embers from the Fire)

June 30, 2022
His Promise – Full Season (7/1/2022) This week the chicory started blooming – a sure sign that while the calendar says that season of summer is only a couple of weeks old, we really are now in full season.  Many

Hearts Must Follow – Dcn. Dan

June 30, 2022
Hearts Must Follow This weekend my family will be gathered to celebrate our youngest granddaughter, Molly, who turned one on July 2nd. Molly is a reminder to our family of just how precious life is. Her parents longed for and

Sun and Shade – Embers from the Fire

June 24, 2022
Sun and Shade – 6/24/2022 Perhaps there is no starker example of immediate contrast than sun and shade.  By immediate, I mean that they are so near to each other that you can literally step out of one and into