Children & Youth

Supporting Families, Children, and Youth in the Catholic Faith

Building strong Catholic families is a priority at the Quad-Parishes. Ministry to young families focus on providing resources and opportunities for families to grow in their faith together.  Parents are the best people to teach children about God, about Jesus, about the Holy Spirit, and about our Catholic faith.  Faith formation begins with you at home, for you provide living witness to the Gospel by how you care for your family, how you work, how you help others, how you worship, and how you pray.  We are here to support you and your family as you grow in faith and live as a family full of Christ’s Disciples

Faith Formation
Upcoming Dates Confirmation Dates
Online Registration will begin May 1. Forms will also be available at each of the churches and the Quad Parish Office.
  • April 10 Final Class and pizza party.
  • April 10 – Confirmation Reconciliation Service
  • April 17 – Confirmation Interviews
  • April 21 – Confirmation Practice
  • April 21 – Confirmation @ Nativity Church
Confirmation Retreat
Sophia and Ian completed a day long confirmation retreat on
Feb 10th @ Nativity Parish!
It was a great group of young people to spend the day with.Brianna & Emma (not pictured) will also be getting confirmed
on 4/21/24 by Bishop Ricken.
On Dec 2 our Confirmation students and families did their
service project bright and early at 8:00am they attended a
Feed My Starving Children event. For two hours we
packed enough meals to feed 129 children for a year.

Questions, contact Patti Phillips

920-496-2160 x 133