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Now And Then

July 23, 2021
Embers From the Fire A weekly blog by Deacon Dan Wagnitz for the Quad-Parish Community   Now and Then – 7/23/2021 Some good friends who own a little cottage near Lac Vieux Desert invited us to spend last week with

Take, Bless, Break, Share – Sr. Jan

July 22, 2021
Take, Bless, Break, Share By: Sr. Jan The First Reading from the Book of Kings speaks of Elisha telling the man to give the barley loaves to the people stating: “They shall eat & there shall be some left over.”

You Can’t Tickle Yourself

July 16, 2021
Embers From the Fire A weekly blog by Deacon Dan Wagnitz for the Quad-Parish Community   You Can’t Tickle Yourself – 7/16/2021 We were campers.  Camping can be a great family bonding experience.  But there can be times when one

What Kind of a Shepherd Are You! – Dcn. Jerry

July 15, 2021
What Kind of a Shepherd Are You! Speaking through Jeremiah the prophet, God promises the coming of shepherds “who will shepherd (the people) so that they need no longer fear and tremble.” The shepherds of Israel are being castigated by

A Little Off the Top

July 9, 2021
Embers From the Fire A weekly blog by Deacon Dan Wagnitz for the Quad-Parish Community   A Little Off the Top – 7/9/2021 As we move into the heart of summer, I have been thinking of summer haircuts.  When I

Got Curiosity? – Dcn Dan

July 8, 2021
Got Curiosity? I recently watched a documentary on PBS about the first lunar landing. The anniversaries of Apollo 11’s launch date of July 16, 1969 and successful lunar landing on July 20, 1969 are coming up. Rightly so, this documentary,