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Open Our Eyes and Ears – Abby K.

September 2, 2021

Open Our Eyes and Ears

In today’s Gospel, we hear about Jesus healing the blind and the deaf. I think it can be easy to assume that this message doesn’t apply to us. Most of us aren’t blind nor deaf, but we’ve certainly seen them. As Christians it can be easy to move the focus of Jesus’  teaching from ourselves to someone else. However, I want to challenge us all to take in God’s message even if it makes us feel a little uncomfortable. Growth is not comfortable.

What things in your life are blinding you and deafening you to the Word of God? For me, I am deafened by secular music, constant podcasts at the touch of my fingers and the fear of sitting in silence. I am blinded by the terrors our world faces and the allure of the material goods. What is the solution? For each of us it might be different – it might be turning off the news, logging off of social media, taking car rides to sit in silence. Only then can we begin to learn to hear and see Jesus at work every day. We don’t have to wait until we get to Heaven to talk to Jesus. He speaks to us everyday…if we’re having a hard time recognizing His voice, we must familiarize ourselves with what we know is His voice, the Bible. Spending time in Scripture will help us discern God’s voice out of all the other voices we are bombarded with everyday. So what do you need to remove from your life so that you are no longer blind/deaf to God in the world?

Abby Kurth