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An Unlikely Doctor – Joseph W.

May 5, 2022
An Unlikely Doctor Writing this on April 29, I am overjoyed to see that this date celebrates the feast of one of the greatest role models for women (and men, of course): Saint Catherine of Siena. Catherine, a lay Dominican

A Day Afield – Embers from the Fire

April 29, 2022
A Day Afield – 4/29/2022 Because of other commitments, and last year just because I forgot to send in my application on time, I set out this morning for my first spring turkey hunt in six years. A few notes

Why the Sad Face? – Dcn. Bill

April 29, 2022
Happy Easter my friends! Over the past couple of decades, I have asked a lot of people what their favorite season of the year is. Obviously, when you ask enough people, you are bound to find people who say winter,

Secret Ingredient – Embers from the Fire

April 22, 2022
Secret Ingredient – April 22, 2022 A man I know shared this story from his youth with me.  I think he was glad to have the opportunity to finally share it with someone – I’ll call him Dave.  Dave came

Inescapable Mercy – Joseph W.

April 22, 2022
Inescapable Mercy I am, for the first time in recent memory, unsure of where to begin speaking on this beautiful topic. I am currently amid an ever-growing stack of writings, perusing a cavalcade of medieval and ancient texts, and therefore

Playing Dreams – Embers from the Fire

April 14, 2022
Playing Dreams – 4/14/2022 When I first came across the mandolin it looked to have been long-forgotten.  It was leaned in the far corner of the attic almost totally obscured by dusty boxes of other long-forgotten stuff.  It was in


April 14, 2022
THE MOST IMPORTANT DAY IN HISTORY The history of Easter Sunday is so important to Christians: it is the day we celebrate the single most important event in human history. If Jesus really did rise from the dead, then the