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Talk Summary

February 3, 2022
This past weekend, at Annunciation, St. Joseph & St. Jude, a talk was given regarding challenges, changes & opportunities facing the parishes in the next weeks to months. This is a summary of that talk: Within the next six weeks,

Flightless Deer – Embers from the Fire

January 27, 2022
Flightless Deer? – 01/28/2022 We have several apple trees and crab apple trees in our back yard.  About September, as the apples ripen, the backyard becomes a favorite stop for several of the local deer population.  This fall our group

The Dapple Gray – Embers from the Fire

January 20, 2022
The Dapple Gray – 01/21/2022 There was a little hatch-type door from my bedroom into the attic storage area of my childhood home.  It was poorly insulated, so in the summer it was roasting in there, and in the winter,

Backyard Observations – Embers from the Fire

January 16, 2022
Backyard Observations – 01/14/2022 It was really “country” when we moved out here 31 years ago.  The city has definitely closed in, but we are fortunate to still live on the edge of country.  There is about thirty acres of

Solitary – Embers From the Fire

January 8, 2022
Solitary – 1/7/2022 Even though winter has set in I still try to get in an afternoon walk, just to get some fresh air.  Some days, like today, the air is really fresh, helped by a stiff westerly wind that

Baptism of Jesus – Sr. Jan

January 8, 2022
Baptism of Jesus This Sunday’s Gospel from St. Luke tells the story of the Baptism of Jesus. The Father’s voice is heard saying, “You are my beloved Son; in whom I am well pleased.” The Father is delighted in his