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Windows Wide Open – Dcn. Dan

April 1, 2022

Windows Wide Open

There are at least two landmark “breathe deeply” moments each spring. The first is that very first day when you step outside and instead of thrusting your hands deeper into your coat pockets and checking to see if you can pull the zipper up higher, you relax, turn your face to the warming sunshine and breathe deep. You suddenly become aware that the birds are singing and you can’t help but smile. The second moment comes on the day when you open the windows of the house & feel that warm, fresh breeze as it accepts the invitation to dance with the curtains.

Lent is a special time when the Church goes out of its way to extend the invitation to throw open the windows to your heart and to your soul and invite the breeze from the breath of the Holy Spirit. It is meant to be a season of renewal.

Here at the Quad Parishes and in the greater Diocese of Green Bay we have tried to offer many opportunities for spiritual renewal during this Lenten season. There have been opportunities for confession, evenings of reflection, Bible Studies & book studies, Stations of the Cross, special Masses and patron saint celebrations, and community celebrations to encourage everyone to take advantage of this Lenten “window of opportunity”.

Lent however, is drawing to its end. Today is the fifth Sunday of Lent and next week we’ll celebrate Passion Sunday that sets off all of the special celebrations and events of Holy Week.

So, what if it is now just occurring to you that you really haven’t taken advantage of Lent to renew your soul, to renew your relationship with God? You meant to, but time got the best of you, or perhaps you weren’t spiritually ready, or perhaps you are unsure, or afraid? Have you missed out?

The most important thing to know is there is no time limit on God’s mercy or God’s desire for a deeper, more intimate relationship with you. As we will read in the Passion next week, the repentant thief was assured moments from his death that he would be with Jesus in Paradise. With God’s heart the windows are always wide open, the fresh breezes of new springtime always blow. He is not merely waiting to see if anyone comes home; he is waiting specifically for you. Why not now?

Remember not the events of the past, the things of long ago consider not; see, I am doing something new! Now it springs forth, do you not perceive it?” Isaiah 43:18-19


His Peace, Deacon Dan