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The Early Bird – Embers from the Fire

March 18, 2022
The Early Bird – 3/18/2022 The early bird, it is said, gets the worm. I know some birds who seem to disagree. In my last Embers post I wrote about the early return of redwing blackbirds. Although they surprised me

Patronage – Dcn. Bill

March 18, 2022
Patronage Greetings my friends! I hope this message finds you well. This weekend we find ourselves nearing the mid-point of Lent. I hope that your Lenten journey has been fruitful. For so many of us, this season provides us a

Redwing Spring – Embers from the Fire

March 10, 2022
Redwing Spring – 3/11/2022 Although official spring is still two plus weeks away on the calendar, it showed up today in the form of arriving redwing blackbirds.  They don’t seem to be much celebrated, but redwing blackbirds are some of

Daredevil Dan – Embers from the Fire

March 4, 2022
Daredevil Dan – 3/4/2022 I just finished shoveling a couple of inches of snow out of the driveway.  The plow had already come through and by the time I finished much of the blacktop of the road was showing as

On Temptation – Fr. Armando

March 3, 2022
On Temptation Somebody said. “When you flee from temptation, be sure you don’t leave your home address.” Today’s gospel is about the temptation of Jesus in the desert by the devil. But let us examine these temptations in detail. Is