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The Season of October

October 14, 2022
The Season of October October, perhaps more specifically, the first three weeks or so of October are a season unto themselves.  The weather is unique.  Early on some of the days can be quite warm.  But rather than feeling oppressive

Home Waters

October 6, 2022
  For the last five or six years I have finished the trout season in southwestern Wisconsin, in an area known as the driftless region.  The glaciers that scoured out the Great Lakes and most of the rest of what

Image and Likeness

September 28, 2022
It started, as it usually does, subtly.  The seed heads of the grasses lining the roads and in the fallow farm fields ripened and began to cast a tawny brown hue across the landscape.  The long green stems that had

In Eagle Flight

September 22, 2022
The honking of a skein of Goose on a late October day always raises a sense of urgency as they sing to Autumn melding into the coming of winter.  And honking on a morning in late March wells up hope


September 15, 2022
    A few weeks ago, I attended what was advertised as a Gordon MacQuarrie “pilgrimage”.  I put pilgrimage in quotes because Gordon MacQuarrie was not an overtly religious man.  He was an outdoor writer who passed away in 1956.