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Anointed & Crowned – Jennifer Poehlmann

January 9, 2020
When my children were small, I would read them a book called The Crown on Your Head by Nancy Tillman. It’s a beautiful book, written to inspire children (and adults); to remind them that they were made to be amazing.

St. Patrick Remodel & Mass Schedule

December 30, 2019
St. Patrick Church is going to be undergoing another phase of the remodeling project, beginning Mon, Jan 6. To avoid the dust and disturbance, we are going to transfer St. Patrick Parish masses to St. Joseph Church for the 4:00pm

Theology of Adoption – Advent Week 1

November 30, 2019
During previous seasons of Advent, we have discussed being open and welcoming to one another as we prepare our hearts and minds for fully participating in Mass.  We have discussed the themes of the weeks (hope, light, joy, faith) of

Advent Past & Present – Sr. Jan

November 29, 2019
Ever since I was a child Advent has been my favorite Church season. I’m sure at that time it was more about: letters to Santa, Christmas programs at school, decorating the house, saving my allowance to shop, wrapping and giving