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The Heart of God – Sr. Jan

February 17, 2020
Today’s reading from Chapter 5 of the Gospel of Matthew reminds each of us about obeying the Ten Commandments and teaching others to do so as well. It might sound a bit negative at first glance, warning us not to

Pastoral Care Commission – January 2020

February 12, 2020
January 7. 2020 Members Present: Paula Gloe, Jerry Leisgang, Marlene Smith, Barb Staudenmaier, Ruth Stoeckigt, Jackie Krajewski, Bobbie Browne. Mike Charles Absent: Judy Hrubesky, Deacon Jerry Coenen, Kathy LaLuzerne, Ellen Moran, Sue Straubel Staff: Deacon Jerry Coenen, Fr. Dave Schmidt

Who is St. Valentine? – Fr. Greg Parent

February 7, 2020
With Valentine’s Day coming up, I thought it would be a good idea to take a look at the actual person that the day is named after. He is easily one of the most famous saints, but few people know

Bishop’s Appeal Invitation – Fr. Dave

January 31, 2020
It is that time of the year once again. It is time to talk about the Bishop’s Appeal. Congratulations to all four parishes for reaching last year’s goal! You saw a need in the diocese and the ways the diocese

The Great Fox Hunt – Deacon Dan Wagnitz

January 25, 2020
My friend Pete and I were not serious fox hunters, but a chance encounter nearly 50 years ago made us dedicated fox hunters, at least for that day. That January morning, we were dropped off by Pete’s father at our

One-in-a-Billion – Becky VanKauwneberg

January 17, 2020
This picture was recently printed in the Compass, the Diocesan Newspaper. Our very own, Bishop David L. Ricken, joined other Bishops for a conversation with Pope Francis. “It wound up being the Holy Father’s sharing deeply from his heart and