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Of Cardinals

February 28, 2021
Embers From the Fire A weekly blog by Deacon Dan Wagnitz for the Quad-Parish Community   Of Cardinals – 2/26/2021 Last Sunday my wife Michelle asked whether the cardinals should start singing soon?  They usually do start in February.  I

Dear Quad Parish Parishioners – Fr. Tony

February 25, 2021
Dear Quad Parish Parishioners, “Rend your hearts not your garments and return to the Lord, your God.” (Joel 2, 13) As we experience the ambience of Lent in the whole of Christendom, we make this season a special time –

Lenten Embers Retreat | Dcn Dan Wagnitz

February 22, 2021
Thursday, February 25, 6:30-8:00PM at St. Jude Church or Watch Online at the Quad-Parish Website, Facebook & YouTube Repeated on Saturday, February 27, 9:30- 11am at St. Jude Church It is the flames of the fire that catch the eye,

Driven By The Spirit – Sister Pat

February 18, 2021
Driven By The Spirit How often have you heard today’s gospel and not even noticed that Jesus was driven into the desert by the power of the Spirit? It’s the same Spirit that got you to church today. It’s the