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Choose a Prayer – Becky V.

May 26, 2022
I came across a blog called “prayer-wine-chocolate” which features bits of inspiration for our faith journey. I loved the writer’s “11 Quick, but Powerful Prayers” and am planning on printing them out to hang on the refrigerator this summer as

“Buen Camino” – Embers from the Fire

May 25, 2022
“Buen Camino” – 5/27/2022 Three years ago, this very week, I was part of a pilgrimage group walking the final 120 kilometers of the Camino de Santiago, or the Way of St. James in northern Spain. In many ways it

Story Flowers – Embers from the Fire

May 19, 2022
Story Flowers – 5/20/2022 It only would take one visit, especially at this time of year to realize that my wife and I have a special love of lilacs.  We have six varieties planted on our property.  Some add additional

Important Words – Fr. Tony

May 19, 2022
John 14:23-29: “Those who love me will keep my Word and my Father will love them and we will come to them and make our home with them…” These words were part of Jesus’ farewell discourse during the Last Supper

Beginnings & Endings – Embers from the Fire

May 14, 2022
Beginnings & Endings – 5/13/2022 Spring is exploding this week.  Two weeks ago, as I hunted turkeys I wore long underwear and gloves because each morning started at about twenty degrees.  This week we had some sunshine and summer-like temperatures. 

The God of Newness – Sr. Pat

May 14, 2022
The God of Newness Today’s gospel reading is short but so amazing. God only asks one thing of us, to love one another as God has loved us. Compare that command to all the challenges you have heard in your