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Any Port

August 13, 2021
Embers From the Fire A weekly blog by Deacon Dan Wagnitz for the Quad-Parish Community   Any Port – 8/13/2021 This week has been a week of storms. Actually, it seems like July and August have been the summer of

Welcome Nicholas!

August 12, 2021
Welcome Nicholas! The most pressing thing I feel I must share with the Quad-Parish community in my first pastoral column is my desire to build strong relationships with the Quad-Parish community as a whole. As the new Music Coordinator, I

Silence & Sunset – Embers from the Fire

August 5, 2021
The words “Praised be You, my Lord” appear eight times in The Canticle of the Creatures. Why has this 800-year-old poem composed by St. Francis of Assisi endured for so many centuries and what does it have to say to us

Martha Moments

August 5, 2021
Embers From the Fire A weekly blog by Deacon Dan Wagnitz for the Quad-Parish Community Martha Moments – 8/6/2021 This week we have been blessed by my son Jacob and his family staying with us.  They arrived on Sunday and

Pastoral Potpourri – Dcn. Mike

August 5, 2021
Pastoral Potpourri Ever have one of those times, like say when you are trying to figure out how to start something, that you feel like Elijah? To put his words to the Lord in a modern parlance, “Stick a fork

Tall Flowers

July 29, 2021
Embers From the Fire A weekly blog by Deacon Dan Wagnitz for the Quad-Parish Community   Tall Flowers – 7/30/2021 The heart of summer that we are now in is the season of tall flowers. We have been progressing to

The Truest Form of Gratitude – Joseph W.

July 29, 2021
The Truest Form of Gratitude Interestingly, our readings for today brought to mind several recent writings I’ve encountered. We first see the Israelites murmuring in the wilderness once more, never to be sated. Indeed, St. John Chrysostom compares their behavior