I came across a blog called “prayer-wine-chocolate” which features bits of inspiration for our faith journey. I loved the writer’s “11 Quick, but Powerful Prayers” and am planning on printing them out to hang on the refrigerator this summer as
– Dcn. Jerry Coenen invites you to pray through the Advent Season with daily deeds and reflections. Preparing the way of the Lord with good works, time with Jesus, and expression of the dignity of the human person. Download Advent
The words “Praised be You, my Lord” appear eight times in The Canticle of the Creatures. Why has this 800-year-old poem composed by St. Francis of Assisi endured for so many centuries and what does it have to say to us
We have GOOD NEWS to share! In response to a Diocesan webinar on May 25 regarding updated Mass guidelines, the following changes will now be in place: 1. The wearing of masks at Mass is now optional. Masks are still
Thursday, February 25, 6:30-8:00PM at St. Jude Church or Watch Online at the Quad-Parish Website, Facebook & YouTube Repeated on Saturday, February 27, 9:30- 11am at St. Jude Church It is the flames of the fire that catch the eye,