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Become a Catholic Jedi this Lent – Dcn. Jerry Coenen

February 27, 2020

The word “Lent” is an old English word which means “springtime.” May this Lent really be a new springtime in the lives of each of us. Through prayer, through fasting from food accompanied by forgiving others and not bearing grudges, and through donating from our surplus to help the poor, may we, like Jesus in the desert for forty days, over-come temptation and thus be well prepared to celebrate Easter. The focus of Lent is on renewing our lives in service of the Lord, becoming more like Jesus. Jesus in the desert is our model during Lent, inspiring us to die to ourselves so that the Father’s plan can be accomplished. That is why the Sacrament of Reconciliation is an important part of Lent because as we die to ourselves we realize that we need to come before the Lord confessing the times when we didn’t die to self in order to rise to new life with him.

Throughout the centuries, to help us die to ourselves and rise to new life with Jesus, the Church proposes that we consider taking on ourselves three things during Lent: pray-ing more, fasting from something, and helping the poor.

Like a Jedi, be light in the darkness and destroy the devil’s dark forces’ hold on the world. Join our community by spreading the light and committing to the following:

Become more prayerful: Attend “daily mass”; attend “Refresh, Relate and Recharge;” confess, adore, pray, and become part of the Jedi team by being in community.

Fast: Cut back on eating out, like fast food, restaurants etc. If you do eat out buy a gift card and give it to someone in need. The force, the Holy Spirit, will help us spread His love.

Almsgiving: Get involved in “forty cans for lent.” If each of us brought two or more cans every week, we could help a good number of people. This is the work of the Catholic Jedi knight.

May the force of the Holy Spirit be with us this Lent. Let us remove the “Dark Side” from our lives and the lives of others through our love, acceptance and understanding of all people. May the force be with us.

Deacon Jerry Coenen