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Music Notes – Nancy Lemerond

October 11, 2019

Each September, we enter a new choir season at all 4 of
our churches. Regular choir rehearsals have resumed and
we are learning new music to share with our congregations.
We will try to introduce new pieces over several weekends
which make them easier to learn.

As a Ministry Team we work to match the best resources for
a variety of music with parish costs. If we are to encourage
the attendance and participation of a wide range of ages,
our repertoire must contain music which appeals to many.
After discussion, we have decided to retain our current
white worship aide for another year as we consider new
resources for published contemporary music, next year.

If you have an interest in joining a choir, as a musician or
singer, please note the bulletin information for times and
locations. Your participation from the pews is also critical
for a good worship experience. You have heard it from me
before, but I will say it again: I never want to hear, “I don’t
sing because I don’t have a good voice.” The voice you
have is the one God gave you. Use it to praise Him and it
will be your gift to your Creator. Singing at Mass unites a
community. I encourage you to really step up and sing with

We are tweaking the sound systems at some of our
churches. Please be patient as we work with the sound experts
on the problems.

Thank you for being part of our Faith Communities here at
the Quad-Parishes. God continues to provide for and
amaze us, and like the song in our hymnal,
How Can I Keep From Singing?

God Bless each of you.
Nancy Lemerond
Quad-Parish Music Coordinator