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Looking Ahead / Looking Back

March 12, 2023
Looking Ahead / Looking Back When my wife decorates the house for Christmas, some of the decor is winter-themed.  That means when Christmas season is over and those decorations get packed up and stored again in the basement, the general

Eye on the Sky

March 5, 2023
  What do you say when the first robin of the year turns into a robin invasion?  This first week or two of March I expect to see a robin in the yard.  We built our house in 1991 and

Calm After the Storm

February 24, 2023
  There’s something about a big snow that has always spoken to my heart.  I like to watch any snowfall, but when the forecast says “storm” I pay particular attention.  It is a bit strange because I have never liked

Shadows, Ground Hogs, Late Season Snow, & Magic Tracks

February 19, 2023
A kindergarten teacher I know shared this story with me.  On Ground Hog’s Day they took the students outside to see if they could see their shadow or not.  One little boy in particular was especially happy that it was

True Song

February 11, 2023
  This has been an interesting week weather-wise with late March-like days sneaking into early February.  Yesterday on my walk it was sunny and 40 plus degrees.  This time of untrustworthy too-early spring has the birds confused. February is the