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There is a Season

September 9, 2022
My usual morning walk route takes me past a significant stretch of restored prairie.  The big blue stem grasses stand a full six feet tall.  Walking on the road I am high enough to look out over acre upon acre. 

Ready or Not

September 5, 2022
I remember playing hide and seek as a youngster.  Whoever was “it” had to count off to the designated number and once there, had to yell out “Ready of not; here I come!”  Of course, if you weren’t ready, meaning

Iron Weed

August 26, 2022
These past few weeks there has been is a good-size slash of deep purple on the backside of a section of split-rail fence in my backyard.  My brother Tom would have described the color as ‘passionate purple’.  The vocal color

The Diddle Pole – Embers from the Fire

August 12, 2022
The Diddle Pole – 8/12/2022 I looked for it the other day, even though the August temperature was pushing 90 degrees.  It was where it should be – in a bucket with other ice fishing gear, appropriately shoved in a

Set the Earth on Fire – Sr. Pat

August 12, 2022
SET THE EARTH ON FIRE I have to admit that when I read today’s readings in preparation for this column my spirit groaned within me. Over the years I have not spent any time meditating on this particular gospel passage