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Baptism of Jesus – Sr. Jan

January 8, 2022

Baptism of Jesus
This Sunday’s Gospel from St. Luke tells the story of the Baptism of Jesus. The Father’s voice is heard saying, “You are my beloved Son; in whom I am well pleased.” The Father is delighted in his Son, because Jesus accepts Baptism and at this public moment gives himself to the Father’s will, and ultimately to his death for the remission of our sins. Jesus’ public life begins with his baptism by John the Baptist. His ministry for the next three years is beginning and will lead to His suffering and death.

In our lives, Baptism initiates our new life as Christians. It sets growth in our new life in motion. Baptism begins our new life, Confirmation strengthens it, and Eucharist nourishes it. Baptism, according to the “Catechism of our Church,” is the time we receive sanctifying grace, enabling us to believe in God, to hope in God and to love God. It gives us the power to live and act through the Holy Spirit. Baptism allows us to grow in holiness through virtues. We no longer belong to ourselves but to Jesus.

Who was present at your Baptism? They heard God call you his beloved son or daughter. Where was your Baptism celebrated? Who was present as they pledged to support you, care for you and love you on this journey? How is my life different than the person who has not been baptized?

Some points on your holiness journey to consider as you begin New Year 2022. Am I nourishing my life with the Eucharist? Am I growing in virtue? Am I learning, praying, and giving myself daily to Jesus? Do others see me as alive in the Spirit? This new life of yours is well on the way. It is up to us to strengthen and nourish it until our final call, when Jesus says, “Well done, good and faithful servant. Inherit the Kingdom prepared for you.”


Sister Jan