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A Call to Prayer – Nicholas S.

November 4, 2021

A Call to Prayer

I want to begin this column by asking all readers of it to pray (as always) for the music ministry here at the Quad. We are in the process of trying to re-establish the choir(s) at all  four churches. We are also in the process of introducing Holy Family School’s eighth grade
choir to the 9:15 a.m. Mass at St. Jude on Sundays once a month, as of right now. We have been blessed to have pastoral leaders and musicians step up to this task. The task being to reinvigorate the music ministry after nearly two years of severe interruption due to the pandemic and the prudent health guidelines that have followed.

Having our liturgical music disrupted has really caused the pastoral leadership here at the Quad to discuss in depth just how integral music is to the liturgy of the Church. We have been discussing all sorts of matters that relate to this. Some of these discussions have included topics such as traditional-style Mass settings, contemporary worship bands, youth choirs, youth Masses, re-establishing pre-pandemic choirs, etc. The driving force behind these discussions and contemplations has been the expressed desire by our pastoral leadership to elevate everyone’s experience of The Lord when they attend Mass (or any service for that matter) at the Quad Parishes.

We see this “re-starting” of the music ministry here at the Quad as a chance for two things. The first is to bring back parishioners who have not yet returned to Mass. The second is to welcome in the people of this neighborhood who are thinking about joining the Church for the first time in their life, but maybe haven’t found the courage within themselves or maybe haven’t been encouraged by anyone in the Church herself.

Please pray that these efforts of evangelization through liturgy come to fruition.


Thank you. God Bless. Nicholas Saldaña