A Prayer on Patience – Becky
March 18, 2021
I first began to learn the virtue of patience when I attended World Youth Day in 2002 in Toronto. There is nothing like
trying to find dinner or a bathroom along with 200,000 others gathered for Mass with Pope John Paul II. New strategies for patience were a necessity when I had children, as you can probably imagine. The opportunity to grow in this virtue presented itself again this past year while living through a world wide pandemic. As I look back over the past year (can you believe it’s been a whole year!) I realize it has been an opportunity to yet again grow in patience, this time especially with myself.
Last week we celebrated the feast of St. Patrick and the Solemnity of St. Joseph. This week we celebrate the Solemnity of the Annunciation of the Lord. We’ll catch up with St. Jude in a couple of months! It seems fitting that these feast days sit right in the midst of our Lenten Journey. What better people to learn from as we grow in patience and perseverance during this Lenten season of peace and healing as we rekindle our relationship with Christ.
I stumbled across this prayer that caught my attention and encouraged my sometimes weary heart. We ask Mary, St. Joseph, St. Patrick and St. Jude for their intercession and look to them as examples of courage & confidence each day.
A Prayer to Be Open to God’s Will
Good and gracious God,
I know that life can be unpredictable.
Sometimes I know what is good and right,
But I don’t have the courage to do it.
Sometimes I am so busy with my own affairs,
I forget to see the needs of people in front of me.
Sometimes I am set in my own ways,
And I resist growing and learning.
Help me, Lord, to be open to Your will.
When You prompt me to do the right thing,
Give me the courage to do it.
When those around me need my help,
Give me Your heart to love them.
When I’m stuck in my own ways,
Give me the grace to grow closer to You every day.
Give me the trust and confidence of Saints
Mary, Joseph, Patrick and Jude.
Let it be done unto me according to Your word!
Blessings & Patience – Becky VanKauwenberg