That is what our Hearts are made for – Becky VanKauwenberg
September 18, 2020

Since the beginning of September I have been spending some extra time working from home while my boys are virtually schooling. **Huge shout out to all those teachers, administrators and technology teams who have been going the extra mile this fall whether in person, virtual or both! You are amazing!**
Days have been filled with extra snack breaks, mid day gym classes and “moms” shouted from the other room. Like many other families who I have talked with, we are trying to make the best of it.
As I sat down to think about what wise words I should share in this week’s reflection, Alex asked what I was working on. I told him I was coming up with ideas for the bulletin this week. From there came my inspiration.
“Oh mom, I know that’s hard. You should just think of someone you love. Think of Jesus. Think of the thousands of adventures in the Bible and just write about your favorite one, it’s as easy as that! Now come on, Mom! Chop! Chop!” – Alex age 8
I love this quote from St. Therese of Lisieux, “Let us love, since that is what our hearts were made for.” Whether you are looking for inspiration, feeling anxious, wondering what plans God has for your life, or just going for a walk on a beautiful day…take a moment to stop and love. Love your family, love your neighbor, love yourself and love Jesus….because that is what our hearts were made for, it’s as easy as that.
So as I hear classroom chatter from Chromebooks in the background, knowing there is a pile of dirty dishes waiting to be washed in the sink, and a big Wednesday Night of Faith Formation to prepare for, I pause and focus on love. That is what my heart is made for.
Becky VanKauwenberg – Discipleship Coordinator