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A New Day. A New Hope. A New Life. – Fr. Dave Schmidt

April 17, 2020

A new day. A new hope. A new life.

Happy Easter Everyone! Alleluia! In the midst of all that is happening these days, it is good to say Alleluia again. Even though we were not able to physically celebrate Holy Week and the Easter liturgies together, you were certainly in my thoughts and prayers as I prayed mass each day. I must admit, I MISS YOU GREATLY! Yes, even those of you who fall asleep during my homilies.

We need to be reminded in these times that God has not abandoned us. We may echo the words of Jesus on the cross, “My God, My God Why have you abandoned me”. But the reality is that we daily rejoice in the love of our incredible God which is beyond all understanding. As we celebrate Divine Mercy Sunday, we willingly take Jesus’ hand to follow where he leads.

Our pain? It doesn’t win. Our disappointments? They don’t win. Our grief and sorrow? They won’t win. Our suffering? It doesn’t win. Our loneliness? It can’t win. Our failures? They truly will not win. Our separation because of present situations? This too will be conquered. God wins and we win because God wins.

My friends, today is a promise to each of us, that whatever  challenge we have it is not the end of the story. There is something beautiful on the horizon. A new day. A new hope. A new life.

So today, look out your window. See people helping each other in ways that we have not seen in ages. See families, not running from one activity to another, but spending time with each other. Couples walking hand in hand down the sidewalk. See the reality of Spring bursting forth in bird songs, green grass, trees budding, and flowers blooming.

Oh yes, this being Wisconsin I woke up on Monday morning with ten inches of glorious snow! I was up North. Thank you for your prayers for each other, myself, and the team at the Quad parishes. Thank you also to those who have been sending in your financial contributions. They are so appreciated.

I don’t want to end on a financial comment so here is an interesting bit of history. On April 14th in the year 2301 B.C. the Chinese saint, Hi Ling Su found that happiness lies in the heart and not in any special place or in the circumstances of life.

Today and each day….see love, mercy and happiness!



Fr. Dave