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Anointed & Crowned – Jennifer Poehlmann

January 9, 2020

When my children were small, I would read them a book called The Crown on Your Head by Nancy Tillman. It’s a beautiful book, written to inspire children (and adults); to remind them that they were made to be amazing. In the story, there is a crown which is special to a child and placed on her head, with intentionality, at the beginning of her life. The crown grows with the child, enlightening and reminding her in various ways that there is no end to what is possible for her in life; as long as the child believes in themselves and understands that everyone has potential for greatness. And while this book is written without Catholic theology in mind, it left me feeling pleased with the ease in which the story is told and the point is made.

There is another story for each of us, written by God, our Creator, about how beautifully and wonderfully each of us has been made. Just imagine how much greater the story of the crown and our how much greater our potential when accompanied by belief in the power of Our God; awesome and mighty. We have been made to worship our awe-inspiring God, in the beauty of creation and all of His wondrous deeds, as our faith is realized, practiced, and

During the Christmas season, we celebrated the birth of God, having come to live among us. We are reminded that we were created in the image of God, and that we were created with purpose; to know God, to love God, and to serve God. Where have you known God today? We have been made to worship God, together, in all of the ways. Our faith family is rich with inspiration; to show our love of God to our brothers and sisters. How have you loved God today? We are all hard at work every day – accomplishing all of the things that we are relied upon to get done; and as we pray about the labors of our week, the energy spent to get through, we must call to mind that we are also made to serve God. Are you using your gifts in the service of God? Are you able to identify ways in which you are living out your baptismal anointing?

With the culmination of the Christmas season, we celebrate the baptism of Jesus, and we remember our own baptism. It is in the knowing, loving, and serving that we live out our baptismal anointing as Priest, Prophet, and King. My brothers and sisters, as sons and daughters of God, made family by our adoption, allow me to remind you to straighten your crowns and carry on, doing all of the great things that you are called to do, with courage from
your anointing, as we are moved by the Holy Spirit to deepen our discipleship.

Jennifer Poehlmann
Liturgy Coordinator