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Coronavirus (COVID-19) Updates & Information

March 13, 2020
March 21, 2020 It is important for the Quad-Parishes to continue to connect, pray and support one another. We have created a plan for parish ministry for the next several weeks. If you have any questions or would like to

Winterfest 2020 – Saturday, March 14th

March 7, 2020
Updated 3/13/2020 – Winterfest will CONTINUE as planned on Saturday, March 14 at the Riverside Ballroom.  We look forward to an evening to celebrate our Parishes.

Become a Catholic Jedi this Lent – Dcn. Jerry Coenen

February 27, 2020
The word “Lent” is an old English word which means “springtime.” May this Lent really be a new springtime in the lives of each of us. Through prayer, through fasting from food accompanied by forgiving others and not bearing grudges,

The Heart of God – Sr. Jan

February 17, 2020
Today’s reading from Chapter 5 of the Gospel of Matthew reminds each of us about obeying the Ten Commandments and teaching others to do so as well. It might sound a bit negative at first glance, warning us not to