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Embers From the Fire – Dream Ships

October 28, 2021
Dream Ships – 10/29/2021 Four-year-old Molly and Grandpa went out the cabin door together, hand in hand, but Molly quickly pulled free.  She ran ahead on the trail down to the lake because she was excited.  Grandpa didn’t call her

Ankle-Deep Shade

October 22, 2021
Embers From the Fire A weekly blog by Deacon Dan Wagnitz for the Quad-Parish Community Ankle Deep Shade – 10/22/2021 When my wife and I purchased the five acres that we built our home on thirty years ago, there was

Prepare for Peace – Joseph W.

October 22, 2021
Prepare for Peace Though none would dispute the love that is found in laying down one’s life for friends, such a command sounds like nothing more than a poetic concept to many. Although a minimum of 105,000 Christians are killed

Afternoon Tea – Cows, No Cream

October 14, 2021
Embers From the Fire A weekly blog by Deacon Dan Wagnitz for the Quad-Parish Community Afternoon Tea – Cows, No Cream I recently returned home from my annual trout fishing trip to the southwestern part of Wisconsin.  This corner of

The Great Among Us – Sr. Jan

October 14, 2021
The Great Among Us In today’s Gospel James and John, the sons of Zebedee, were trying to secure the best seats in the kingdom. Jesus said it was not his to give, but for those for whom it has been

Home Visit

October 8, 2021
Embers From the Fire A weekly blog by Deacon Dan Wagnitz for the Quad-Parish Community Home Visit – 10/8/2021 We were grateful to be part of the home visit.  My wife Michelle’s Aunt Lynn (her mother’s sister) and Uncle Jim

Renewal – Deacon Dan

October 7, 2021
The annual Autumn spectacular is here as the leaves are ablaze with color. The reds, oranges and yellows call to the senses to come and enjoy the mellowness of October. There is another changing of the season that is mostly