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Wave Snowman, Wave

December 15, 2022
A major cold front came through last night.  The temperature was hovering slightly above freezing for the first eight hours or so of precipitation, before finally turning to snow sometime in the middle of the night.  I woke up to

Angel Food

December 10, 2022
You start with a heavy aluminum pan. . . The conversation among a core of women at a family member’s funeral in October turned to an unrealized promise made almost 11 years ago at another family member’s funeral.  That previous

Memories and Dreams

November 30, 2022
There is something about the traditional holiday season (Thanksgiving to Christmas) that warms the heart.  Perhaps more than any other time of year the holiday season is a rich blend of old and new, of what was and what will

December 4, 2022 Bulletin

November 30, 2022
Thurs, Dec 8 8 am @ Jude Noon @ Patrick 6 pm @ Joseph Thursday, Dec 8th 6:45a @ St Agnes 8:00a @ St. Jude 8:00a @ St. Patrick (Latin Mass) 9:00a @ St Agnes (School Mass) 9:00a @ St.

In Clouds

November 25, 2022
My wife and I recently drove out to Colorado to visit my son and his family who live about an hour or so north of Denver.  The trip provided several experiences of being in clouds even though in our car