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Quick on the Draw

February 3, 2023
  I never understood those, including my first-born wife, who insist that the youngest child is always the most spoiled, most privileged child of any family.  My skepticism comes from first-hand experience, myself being a youngest child.  I am not

Snow Day

January 26, 2023
There is something calming and exciting about a snowy morning.  When the kids were, well kids, they would get so excited about forecast of a snowy morning.  Maybe it would allow them to sleep in if there was a delay. 

Soft Skies

January 26, 2023
Mid-winter in the north can be a challenge to the spirit. Day upon day extends the story of overcast skies. Seemingly endless gray that presses silence down upon the soul can lead one to literally ache for a glimpse, even


January 11, 2023
  In 1986 my career brought me and my family to someplace I never expected I would visit, let alone live in.  That was the year that my employer started construction on a manufacturing plant in Henderson, Nevada, and they

Dan’s Landing       

January 2, 2023
     I like the name of it – Dan’s Landing.  If there was true justice in this fallen world, it should be a canoe launch on some remote northern lake with great shoreline flyfishing, or a put-in point on

Winter Night

December 25, 2022
  It had been sullen gray every day for more than a week, so yesterday afternoon’s sunshine was welcome relief, even though it was accompanied by some, shall we say, ‘crisp’ temperatures.  We seem to be fully entrenched in the