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Category: Quad-Parish Staff

Prepare for Peace – Joseph W.

October 22, 2021
Prepare for Peace Though none would dispute the love that is found in laying down one’s life for friends, such a command sounds like nothing more than a poetic concept to many. Although a minimum of 105,000 Christians are killed

The Great Among Us – Sr. Jan

October 14, 2021
The Great Among Us In today’s Gospel James and John, the sons of Zebedee, were trying to secure the best seats in the kingdom. Jesus said it was not his to give, but for those for whom it has been

Renewal – Deacon Dan

October 7, 2021
The annual Autumn spectacular is here as the leaves are ablaze with color. The reds, oranges and yellows call to the senses to come and enjoy the mellowness of October. There is another changing of the season that is mostly

Happy Fall! – Carol

October 1, 2021
HAPPY FALL! Let us all embrace the cooler temperatures, the fall colors, and a new program year at the Quads! As part of the “wrap up” of the 2020/2021 fiscal year, copies of the annual parish report are now available

Love Wins – Dcn Bill

September 23, 2021
Love Wins – Deacon Bill As we approached the 20th anniversary of the terrorist attacks of Sept 11, 2001, there was a lot of media coverage of the events of that horrific day. We were introduced to 19 and 20-year-olds

Open Our Eyes and Ears – Abby K.

September 2, 2021
Open Our Eyes and Ears In today’s Gospel, we hear about Jesus healing the blind and the deaf. I think it can be easy to assume that this message doesn’t apply to us. Most of us aren’t blind nor deaf,

Please be careful with your heart – Fr. Tony

August 26, 2021
Please be careful with your heart We’re invited this 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time to undergo a “diagnostic heart test” to dig in the truth of who we are and our neighbor in God’s presence. As Catholics, we can’t be

Unless You Eat My Body – Sr. Pat

August 19, 2021
Unless You Eat My Body Today’s gospel is a challenge. Notice the response of the disciples and the people after Jesus has told them that he is the living bread. They respond that “this saying is hard: who can accept

Welcome Nicholas!

August 12, 2021
Welcome Nicholas! The most pressing thing I feel I must share with the Quad-Parish community in my first pastoral column is my desire to build strong relationships with the Quad-Parish community as a whole. As the new Music Coordinator, I